
Why Us?

CRAFT-I aims to transform creative ideas into tangible objects, providing a much-needed boost to the Cambodian creative industry.

Investment Opportunities

Craft-I provides a curated selection of investment opportunities, allowing users to explore and invest in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seamlessly.

NFT-Powered Investments

The platform leverages the power of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to facilitate secure and innovative investments. This unique feature sets Craft-I apart in the world of SME funding.

Empowerment of SMEs

Craft-I focuses on empowering SMEs by providing them with a platform to raise funds efficiently. The goal is to help SMEs overcome capital challenges and thrive in their respective industries.

Transparent Tracking

Investors can track the impact of their investments in real-time, offering transparency and visibility into how their contributions support the growth and success of the SMEs they invest in.

Community Engagement

Craft-I fosters a vibrant community where like-minded investors and entrepreneurs come together. This community provides a space for engagement, discussion, and the sharing of insights and experiences.

User-Friendly Fundraising for SMEs

For SMEs seeking capital, Craft-I offers a user-friendly fundraising experience. The platform guides businesses through the application process, making it easy for them to present their stories to potential investors.